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In order to get started with space discovery, it is important to understand when it all started. The 1960s was a very special decade during which many things were at stake. Through this lesson, you will understand what were the issues, solutions and challenges of the years that would shape our future.
Open the lessonFinal testFinal test 1/3 tempsThe late 1950s and early 1960s saw the first steps of space exploration. It was also a reminder that both the USA and the USSR were fighting each other during the Cold War. This lesson deals with the first milestones of space discovery as well as the political context in which they were achieved.
Open the lessonFinal testFinal test 1/3 tempsThe 1960s saw the fierce competition between the USA and the USSR to reach the moon. Both nations committed themselves to land first on the moon because this achievement would represent the ultimate accomplishment in space. The winner would take it all!
Open the lessonFinal testFinal test 1/3 tempsWith the end of the former moon race, space discovery had evolved at a different pace and shifted to a more scientific driven effort. Nevertheless, newcomers in the space industry are about to launch a brand new space race with much broader goals such as saving humans from exctinction.
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